Deadline: June 25
Fees: $225/booth vending fee + $50/booth refundable clean-up fee
Application: Vendor Registration Forms may be requested by email: or by phone: (207) 212-8227
Approval Process:
— Once we have received your registration form, we will contact you by phone or email with any questions or concerns.
— A special city vending permit is required to participate in Liberty Festival. However, approval from Liberty Festival is required BEFORE a vending permit may be obtained.
— Once you are approved as a vendor, your space will remain yours each year until you decide to terminate. This allows the Festival to limit the number of each type of booth, which in turn, provides our vendors with a more profitable day.
Vendor Expectations:
— Liberty Festival requires all vendors to present themselves with a respectable looking booth and to follow all city vending regulations. Your booth must also be properly staffed and operational throughout the duration of the Festival.
— Liberty Festival does NOT provide awnings, tables, chairs or booths. All necessary booth items are required to be provided by your organization.
Email: -or- Phone: (207) 212-8227